Harris Wastes $25 Million Manipulating Voting Laws

Biden is single-handedly causing rapid inflation… and now Harris is spending $25 million in federal funds to implement new voting restrictions. They’re planning to target GOP-led states to give the dems an advantage during elections…

This move came after Harris and the dems failed to enact the “For the People Act.” It’s a bill targeting our voting rights, and can potentially overhaul the national election in Congress. Fortunately, our Senate Republicans worked together to block this treacherous bill.

After their defeat in the Senate, Harris vowed that “the fight was not over” to change voting rights. Now, she’s decided to waste millions of dollars just to finish what she started.

It’s a desperate attempt for the dems to get the upper hand… and it’s costing a lot of money.

According to the Democrat National Committee, the total investment spent will go to efforts aimed at:

  • Registering millions of new voters
  • Assembling a voter protection team… using the legal court to counter efforts that limit polling access, defend voting rights, and beat back legal challenges to election results
  • Investment for digital communications and television advertising
  • Partnering with social media companies to educate voters
  • Assembling a technology team to contact voters targeted by voter suppression efforts

Harris is good at covering the dem’s true intentions and making them look like the good guys… in fact, that’s just about all she’s good at.  

Posing herself as the leader of some twisted rebellion, she said during a press conference, “This campaign is grounded in the firm belief that everyone’s vote matters. We are fighting back.”

A very hypocritical statement from Harris…

No, they’re not fighting back. They’re just “holding back” our country by ignoring the real problems at hand.

This $25 million investment is a total waste of money that could instead be used in a number of more important areas like:

  • Opening up job training programs in black communities
  • Fixing rundown schools in black communities 
  • Getting rid of the Filibusters
  • Passing the HR1 to make voting in elections easier
  • Helping the people struggling to maintain the US-Mexico Border

Let’s face it. This leftist war on voting rights doesn’t benefit anyone but the dems. It’s all about fulfilling their political agenda and getting the upper hand.

The dems would rather invest millions into getting you to vote for them than actually addressing the serious issues this country is facing, like the rising threat of inflation.

Despite the administration’s massive spending, Biden is still trying to tell everyone that inflation is going down. He claims that trillions of dollars in new inflationary spending “will reduce inflation.” 

“We will, in fact, reduce inflation. Reduce inflation. Reduce inflation…”  Biden said during a CNN town hall this July.

Inflation won’t disappear right away with the dem’s empty promises and false hope. We need to get rid of the incompetent dem leaders throwing away our funds for their own benefit…

First, we have the cunning Harris who doesn’t know how to give up her schemes and only knows how to spend government money. Then, we have Biden – a person who has no idea what he’s talking about – who spent trillions of dollars and still claims that he can reduce inflation.

Now it’s clear that Harris and the dems in the administration don’t deserve our votes at all…

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13 Thoughts to “Harris Wastes $25 Million Manipulating Voting Laws”

  1. James Hutchins

    Bimbo harris needs to be removed from White House she’s a Traitor to the American People and the Constitution.

    1. Mary J Nelson

      After Harris comes Pelosi. Which IS worse?

    2. Patricia A Moore

      Thank you for stating that, James H.—they are ruining our beloved America. We need Trump back, NOW!

  2. ward

    More dereliction of duty by harris and biden’s wannabe dictator whims that violate their oath of poffice and absolutely “NO” DOJ-ag to even question all the illegal theft of Tax $’s ! Appears the 6 months of biden’s dictator cronies is supporting more criminal theft in U.S.

  3. James Richards

    Kill Her!

  4. Sandra

    Whoever came up with the idea of making Kamala Harris VP. The Left are going to find out how good she is at being so bad a VP.

  5. Syl

    Get rid of these swamp rats.

  6. Faith

    Harris Is Born In India she should not even be a vice President , she is against the USA And The American People , Obama who is born in Kenya wanted Harris in office as Biden vice . Two Terrorist people who out to bring the USA Down .

  7. Faith

    Obama Is The One Who Pick Harris For Biden , Harris Is Born In India = Obama Born In Kenya Two Terrorist People

  8. Adrian Vance

    Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, CA of two Indian parents. She is not black, . I had a 40 minute phone call with her and came away with a clear realization that she was “nuts”, i.e. insane. She is not black.

  9. J.R.McElroy

    They all need to be tried for Treason, Biden Harris Pelosi AOC and all the rest that have dishonored their oath to defend not destroy our constitution

  10. Debbie

    Agreed she is not black just another worthless democrat !!!!

  11. Wyatt Earp

    This group of democrats was in the making! After 50 years of screwing youth mind by liberal in our school system. They now feel like they got the upper hand. In taking over everyone life! Well if you haven’t suffered enough with trying to make a decision yet! You must live paycheck to paycheck and vote democrats! Making you to dam fool who keep voting to lose in life’s!

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